Your Fleet Dept - Our STARS

B2B Fleet Marketing

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Welcome To Fleet Stars!

We are a specialized B2B sales/marketing service for automobile dealerships with a fleet market potential.

Basically, we help you expand and stabilize your fleet department in two primary ways:

  • Generate leads and set sales appointments
  • Make announcements and issue invitations to special fleet events.

In order to increase volume of sales activity - the sales/marketing efforts must be increased, and it must be extended beyond the prospect generated inquiries from store foot traffic and incoming prospect phone calls.   

Pardon the cliche' - but there is a reason why setting sales appointments, lead generation and pipeline building are all labeled as "prospecting". 

Think about the gold miners, who had to dig through huge piles of dirt, rock and sand - to glean the precious bits of ore.  They were known as prospectors.  In essence, that is what we are.  We dig around in the "mud" and deliver the "nuggets" to you. 

With our highly professional and effective process, your pipeline can increase to a volume which would take much longer using existing standard sales strategies.